08 July 2010


What is Scratch the Surface? When I first began this project, I wanted to express that judging others based on nothing more than a glance is absurd, pointless, and unfair. Stereotypes are nothing more than excuses to be socially lazy, yet I am not convinced that anyone - including myself - is guiltless of it. Scratch reminds me daily to pause a little longer, look a little deeper, and assume nothing. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then what is a refusal to make eye contact based on - fear? uncertainty? innocent nonchalance? or pure disregard for a fellow human?

How accurate can a dismissal based on circumstance actually be? The clothing shell does not define one’s thoughts, beliefs, hopes, or dreams, and I have learned in my life that anyone has the potential to surprise, regardless of how they are dressed, where they live, or what their situation in life is.

The purpose of this project is not to change anyone’s engrained habits, but I at least want to share that it is okay to voyage beyond those social dividers. The other side can be quite enriching. In my encounters, not only do I continue to be surprised by the people I meet, but I continue to enjoy my conversations with them as well.

Up next: Meet Nick. Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Love all of your pictures here and the stories. Great website as well! Fantastic pictures!
